Our Mission

Our mission is to contribute to a world that is no longer dependent on fossil fuels, starting right here at home.​ We aim to offer a clean, affordable alternative through solar energy systems of all sizes and structures. We are committed to sustainable business practices and creating continuous value for our customers, while keeping the earth and environment a priority. 

In the beginning...

You could say the vision of Solar King Systems is as old as the sun, but the passion for solar energy started when the Grandfather of founding Solar King Systems partners Hadassah, Seth and Jason, first installed solar on his house.

Grandpa Holland was a longtime believer in clean energy, well before there were government incentives and tax benefits. That passion stayed in the family. Finally, in 2008, after years of discussing the idea, the grandkids (all grown up and professional) decided to combine forces, passion and vision to createSolar King Systems.


...Through today.

What started as an idea fueled by passion has become the best solar company in the US! Ok maybe we’re a little bit biased, but Solar King Systems is a community of individuals who care about the environment, the community and doing the right thing! In 2017, Solar King Systems was invited to and became a partner of the well known Amicus Solar Cooperative.

Amicus Solar is a member-owned purchasing cooperative of over 55 high-quality, independent, values-driven solar energy companies. Amicus members share a unique mission-driven perspective on their work in the world, along with a willingness to openly and actively collaborate to help each other grow stronger and smarter.


Interested in a consultation? We are just a click away!

Our products effortlessly fulfil the needs of our customers, ensuring that they are completely satisfied. We wish to assist you in becoming energy self-sufficient. Please contact us by phone or email to embark on a journey to success.